What We do

Hello! We're a Licensed Blockchain Development Company in Vilnius, Lithuania.


Blockchain Development License

The need for a scalable Blockchain has been felt across the industry since Bitcoin gained prominence. Over time, the uses of Blockchain technology have continued to grow, NFTs and now Metaverses.


NFT Marketplace License

Enables enhanced discovery across NFT marketplaces on all supported blockchain protocols, making it possible for anyone on any of these platforms to directly purchase assets listed on the NFT Marketplace.


Crypto Wallet License

The virtual currency wallet service means a service in the framework of which keys are generated for customers or customer's encrypted keys are kept, which can be used for the purpose of keeping, storing and transferring virtual currencies.


Crypto Exchnage

We are also a licsense holder having a depository crypto wallet and acst as an operator. Official activity authorisation covering services for exchanging fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat and crypto to crypto. Such activity registration enables to operate a crypto exchange in a regulated manner.

About Us

To provide every individual with unrestricted access to the latest in innovation while also enabling affordability, and financial independence

We believe that everyone should have equal access to opportunities, irrespective of their region, beliefs, or economic stature. As a concept has displayed potential to transcend socio-economic and geopolitical barriers, it hasn’t yet turned into a reality as there are several challenges to overcome in this relatively new technology.

As change makers, we envision ourselves as a significant contributor to a collective, on-going community effort that will turn a remotely possible concept into reality through continuous incremental innovations and ideas.

Let's Talk

Creating a Truly Accessible & Affordable Infrastructure for New-age Applications

License Code - 305858148

Nordvus Projects, UAB Reg. nr: 305858148
Kalvarijų g. 125,
LT-08221, Vilnius
